The caring staff at Woodlawn Cemetery provide quiet and well-maintained grounds built to meet the needs of every single family and to commemorate the lives of these buried within the grounds. The professional, dedicated staff can help you in making burial service plans, funeral planning, and talk you through cremation choices. Trust is certainly their top concern and they specialize in tradition funerals, simple cremation, and military funeral services.
Contact them today using the info provided below. The florists near Woodlawn Cemetery contain a wonderful and diverse selection of wreaths, bouquets, and baskets to help point out your sympathy for the family. If you are considering sending funeral flowers to a family who has a loved one here, you can send funeral flowers to Woodlawn Cemetery now.
This location has proudly served the area with exceptional care for years and definitely will help guide your loved ones through memorial etiquette, customize your tribute, funeral costs, directions to cemeteries. Should you be interested in preplanning your funeral service, you can be sure your legacy will be shielded and that you may have peace of mind.
1301 W Charles St Oelwein, IA 50662 (319) 283-5228
Only City cemetery crews can pour concrete foundations and do so twice a season. These times can vary but are usually in the spring and the fall. The cost per running foot is $90 ($100 min). Adopted by Resolution 5692-2025
SECTION 8-11. SAME - - SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOUNDATIONS. The base for monuments will be floating type, unless the monument weights two thousand (2,000) pounds or more. In this instance, the base will be eight (8) inch depth for each five hundred (500) pounds. There will be a five (5) inch extension around all monuments and markers. (Ord. No. 121, Section 14, 5-28-17.)
DownloadThe City asks that decorations can be put up 7 days prior to Memorial Day and taken down 7 days after Memorial Day.
As soon as flowers, wreaths, emblems, etc., used at funerals, or placed on graves at other times, become unsightly and faded, they will be removed and no responsibility for their protection or maintenance is assumed. (Ord. No. 1161, 3-12-2018)
The cemetery known today as Oakdale or the old Oelwein Cemetery is located in an industrial area of Oelwein on Fourth Street, S.W. Some find it difficult to understand why this cemetery was established in such an area. To understand we must remember that 122 years ago, before the founding of Oelwein, this area must have been most attractive.
A story often repeated tells that a young man passing through the area commented that the location where Oakdale is today, would make a ideal cemetery. The story goes on that on his return trip through this area he died and became the first person buried at this site. A stone with the name Israel Barleen who died April 6, 1853 at the age of 24 is believed to be this same young man. This stone stands proud today among other worn stones. The 1878 Fayette County History tells of a second burial, that of Isaac Edwards who settled in Jefferson Township in 1852, became ill during the summer of 1853 and died and was buried September 1853.
Other early settlers buried at Oakdale include Sarah Burch (1855), Eliza Combs (1855), Ellen Hanson (1966), Helen Hanson (1862), Julia Morehouse Allison (1862), Mary Hanson (1866), Elizabeth Lucas (1864), Theodore Powers (1864), John Barr (1867), Cecelia Oelwein (1866) and Marie Thorman Werner (1868).
Oakdale Arial View
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