The Oelwein Tree Board is comprised of five volunteers from the Oelwein community that are dedicated to maintaining and expanding the Oelwein urban tree canopy.
2019 Governors Volunteer Award
Term expiration Date: 1/31/2026
Term expiration Date: 5/30/2027
Term expiration Date: 5/30/2027
Term expiration Date: 5/30/2026
City Representative
Small Variety Trees
Bradford Pear
Columnar Crab
Flowering Crab
Golden Rain
Lilac, Japanese Tree
Medium Variety Trees
Little Leaf Linden
Redmond Linden
Red Oak
Skyline Locust
American Linden
Large Variety Trees
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Moraine Locust
Shade Master Locust
Sunburst Locust
Tulip Tree
Male Ginko
Swamp White Oak
Clemons Oak
Long Oak
Bur Oak
White Oak
Chinkapin Oak
American Elm
Ohio Buckeye
London Planetree
Honey Locust
Shagbark Hickory
Horse Chestnut
Black Gum
"Branching Out is a nationally recognized and award-winning tree planting program in which Alliant Energy, Trees Forever and your community work together to plan, fund and implement community tree planting projects. The program is designed to encourage energy efficiency, environmental awareness and community stewardship in Iowa
The Branching Out program is offered exclusively to Iowa communities where Alliant Energy provides electric and/or natural gas service". (
The Oelwein Tree Board is dedicated to planting more trees in the street right of way in increase the urban tree canopy and to create energy saving benefits to the community. The public right-of-way is wider than the road surface and includes curbs, sidewalks, utilities, public shade trees and grass strips.
The Oelwein Tree Board has the following tree varieties that they will be planting this fall for the community.
These trees are purchased from funds with a Trees Forever/Alliant Energy grant that can only be planted between your sidewalk and the street. The tree board members will select the correct species of tree suitable to the area. Trees are limited and requests do not guarantee a tree.
If you have a tree that is located in the street boulevard that needs some attention, please let the utility department know at 319-283-1197.
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